Mattias Lomans Gästbok

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Västerås   2019-08-19 21:03
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Leif Eriksson
Skicka e-post till Leif Eriksson  
PHOENIX   2019-07-07 05:58
What a marvelous Website. I have no idea what I'll find but my family tree has extensive connections to to Misterhult, Sodra Vi, Vimmerby, Kalmar County and a 50 mile radius. My grandparents immigrated in 1907. Id, Nystrom, Magnusson, Andersson, Nelson are just a few of the immigrant names. I hope to visit! Jeff
Jeffrey Ide
Skicka e-post till Jeffrey Ide  
PHOENIX   2019-07-07 05:58
What a marvelous Website. I have no idea what I'll find but my family tree has extensive connections to to Misterhult, Sodra Vi, Vimmerby, Kalmar County and a 50 mile radius. My grandparents immigrated in 1907. Id, Nystrom, Magnusson, Andersson, Nelson are just a few of the immigrant names. I hope to visit! Jeff
Jeffrey Ide
Skicka e-post till Jeffrey Ide  
Thank you!!   2019-07-03 16:24
Thank you for all the hard work you put into your website - it's amazing! The information on the Engelcrona line was most helpful in my family research. It is serving as a wonderful roadmap as I investigate the Cavallin-Fineld-Engelcrona side of the family. Should you ever want to expand on the line of Per Cavallin, I am happy to provide you with all the research I have.
Now that I've been introduced to your site & discovered Anna Christina Engel's origins, the biggest mystery in that line is where the last name Cavallin came from. Per Cavallin was actually born Petter Ericsson. I suspect the Cavallin name came from Per's military service, but I am still in search of his military records so that I have a more solid foundation.
Again, thank you so very much for sharing this wonderful resource!
DeAnn Peterson Cohrs
Skicka e-post till DeAnn Peterson Cohrs  
Argentina   2019-06-09 22:32
Hello Mattias,
Your webpage has lot of info
I am searching the Schwan ( Hans Nickas, Johann Gustaf ) and Schön families, because my great grand father emigrate to Argentina
Can you help me finding the birth certificates, etc
Kind regards
Gustavo Sylwan
Skicka e-post till Gustavo Sylwan  
Halmstad   2019-03-05 17:23
Hej Mattias, Min mans morfar var August Theodor Wahlqvist, sonsonson till Achates Ernst Vilhelm von Segebaden. Söker förgäves efter mer uppgifter om hushållerskan Brita Kristina Wahlqvist. Vet du något mer om henne, än att hon hade tre barn med Achates Ernst Vilhelm von Segebaden? Med vänlig hälsning Monica Hallberg
Monica Hallberg
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brussels   2019-02-18 15:23

You list a Margaretha Küsel as wife for Baltzar Nettelbladt, born in 1691. t#TAB_11

Here: us+f+rank+av+westren&p=margareta&n=kruse

I find a Margareta ruse with other life data.

Who of you two is right?

I am searching for the descendants of Margaretha Küsel, it makes some difference though :-)

Many thanks,

greetings from Brussels,


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Småland men född på Hall (norra Gotland)   2019-02-04 23:19
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Hasse Westin
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   2019-02-04 22:34
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Robert Brinck
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Spånga   2019-01-23 16:06
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Hans Engren
Skicka e-post till Hans Engren  
Jönköping   2019-01-16 20:26
Trevlig att se din släktforskning om oss Rydbeckare
Hans Rydbeck
Skicka e-post till Hans Rydbeck  

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